
I only stitch on days that end in "y".

Friday, April 3, 2015

Hetty Child Sampler and Hoo Hoo finished

I finished Hanna Child by The Sampler Company this week.  I really enjoyed stitching her and was almost sad after putting in the last stitch.  I haven't signed her yet.  I'm debating (with myself) about whether to do my regular initials/date in the corner or to stitch a bit more in the margin that will be covered after framing.  I'll think about it for a while.

My next sampler will be Lucy Redd (Homespun Elegance).  I'd love to have sal buddy on this one.

I also finished Hoo Hoo by Hands on Designs.  (It appears in the 2014 JCS Halloween issue.)

Happy Easter!

Happy stitching!


Annie said...

Beautiful sampler! I never sign my work anymore. Do you usually do that?

Your Halloween piece is such a cutie!

Have a Happy Easter!

Barb said...

Great designs. I have the Lucy Redd chart. Did anyone else seem interested? I am thinking about it.

Rita said...

Thank you.

Nobody so far is stitching Lucy with me. Either they've already stitched her or busy stitching something else.

I'd love to have you join me, Barb.